

Sirküler TipiNumaraSirkülerTarih
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 16 Deadline for Submission of 2019 Country-by-Country Reports to the Turkish Revenue Authority has been extended from 31 December 2020 to 26 February 2021 (21.12.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 15 Regulations of the Law on the Restructuring of Certain Receivables and Amendments to Certain Laws No. 7256 (25.11.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 14 Country-by Country Reporting (CbCR) Notification Form uploaded in Internet Tax Office Platform is now available for the use of taxpayers in Turkey (8.10.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 13 The Presidential Decree related to the approval of the “Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on the Exchange of Country-By-Country Reports” (CbC - MCAA) was announced in the Official Gazette on 1 October 2020 (2.10.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 12 BITT rate on FX transactions has been decreased from 1% to 0,2% (1.10.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 11 Transfer Pricing (TP) General Communiqué no. 4 providing further guidance on the new transfer pricing documentation obligations (Country-by Country Reporting and its notification) was announced in the Official Gazette on 1 September 2020. (28.9.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 10 Dividend Distribution Restrictions Extended Until The End of The Year. (21.9.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 9 Deadline for submission of First CbC Reporting Notification has been extended to 30 October 2020 (1.9.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 8 Withholding Tax Rate on Real Estate Rentals Reduced to 10% and VAT Rate Reduced to 8% and 1% on Certain Services; Short-Term Working, Termination Prohibition and Unpaid Leave Extended. (12.8.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 7 BITT rate on FX transactions has been increased from 0,2% to 1% (28.5.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 6 Law No. 7244 which Includes Economic Measures for the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Been Published. (20.4.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 5 Latest Economic and Tax Measures in Turkey related to COVİD-19 Pandemic. (2.4.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 4 Digital Services Tax Application General Communique- In Force (20.3.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 3 Package of Economic Measures to Mitigate the Economic Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic. (18.3.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 2 Turkey Adopts OECD Transfer Pricing Reporting Standards. (28.2.2020)
İngilizce Vergi Sirküleri 2020 / 1 The obligation of selling a minimum of 80% of export proceeds to a bank has been repealed. (21.1.2020)